Top 10 React Redux Interview Questions and Answers


If you are looking for such technology that can help you in writing mobile applications in React Native which must work consistently, can able to test easily and run in various environments as well. You already get to know that while your applications get bigger and complex, it would become hard to manage different states and pass data from one component to another component. This is the time when Redux will be able to help you as it provides global access to state or data to use it in any component without depending on other components. Redux is a predictable state container of JavaScript. Using Redux and Redux toolkit in a React Native application is really a great way to learn how to manage the application state.

Redux has become one of the most familiar and popular technology to built up the career of the candidate in the current state. It is the combination of actions, reducers and the store to manage the application state. However, to crack any interview and get a good job, one must need to take the complete React Native and Redux Course from well known institute to increase your skill and improve your knowledge. Here, are a few questions and answers for the interview that will guide you to get good job.


||Everything that you need to know about React Native 


  1. What is ReactNative?

Ans: React Native is mainly the next generation of React which is a JavaScript Library developed by Facebook and Instagram and was released by Github in 2013. Creating native apps means writing any apps for a particular operating system.

React Native mainly helps the developers to reuse code across the mobile and web. Developers don't need to build up the same app for iOS and Android and they can reuse the code on any operating systems.


  1. What is Flux?

Ans: Flux is an application design paradigm that is actually used as the replacement of the MVC pattern. Flux is exactly not a library or framework but an architectural style that balances the React and the idea of ​​Unidirectional Data Flow. Facebook used this pattern mainly internally when working with React.


  1. Do we need to keep all component states in Redux Store?

Ans: We have to keep the application store as small as possible. No need to push all the components there.

  1. What is Redux?

Ans: Redux is an unsurprising state container for JavaScript apps which is stands on the Flux design pattern. React can be used together with any type of View library as well as with ReactJS. It is almost 2KB means so small and has no dependencies.


  1. What is Redux DevTools?

Ans: Redux DevTools mainly offer us debugging platform for the Redux apps. It will allow us to work on live editing and time travel debugging for Redux with action replay, hot reloading and customizable UI.


  1. What are the features of Redux DevTools?

Ans: Here given below some of the major features of Redux Devtools:

It will let you go back in time by canceling the actions.

It will also help you to inspect every state and action payload.

It the reduces throw, you would be able to see that which action has happened and what are the errors.

If you want to change the reducer code, each 'staged' action will estimate.

With the help of the persistState() store enhancer, you can be able to persist debug sessions across page reloads.



  1. How to structure Redux top level directories?

Ans: Most of the applications have so many different top-level directories –

Components – It is used for 'dumb' React components who are unaware of Redux.

Containers – It is used for smart React components to connect it to the Redux.

Reducers – it is mainly used for all reducers where the file name corresponds to the state key.

Actions – It is used for all action creators where the file name needs to be a part of the app.

Store - It is used for store stabilization. This structure can work well with small and mid-level size apps.


 || A Brief Note on Certification of React Native 



  1. What are Reducers in Redux?

Ans: The reducer is a pure function that will take the previous state and action and then return it to the next state. It is termed as a Reducer because it is such type of function which can pass to Array Prototype Reducer. It is really essential that the reducer will stay pure. Some points to be remembered that you should not do at any cost inside the reducer:

  • Perform side effects like routing transitions and API calls
  • Transform its arguments.
  • Call non-pure functions like Math.random() or

  1. What is Redux Saga?

Ans: Redux Saga is a library that can make side effects (for example asynchronous things including impure things like accessing the browser cache and data fetching) in Redux/React applications in an easier and better way.

  1. What is Redux Thunk?

Ans: Redux thunk is a middleware that supports you to write action creators that return a function instead of action. Such thunk can be used to delay the dispatch of an action or to dispatch when a certain condition is met. The inner function will receive the store methods of getState() and dispatch as parameters.

The above are the top 10 React Interview questions and Answers through which a candidate would be able to prepare him or her for the interview. People who are already working in the field of React and want to upgrade their skill can do a proper React Redux course and site for the interview to get a better job position with a high package salary. A complete React Native and Redux certification course from well-known academy will always help you to grow faster in your career path.

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